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Twinflower Therapeutics is a community-minded wellness clinic based in Whitehorse, Yukon.

We help others live vibrant and fulfilled lives, using holistic approaches to medicine that are evidence-informed and effective.

Twinflower Therapeutics is located on the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council. We respectively acknowledge the ancestral and place-based knowledge of the peoples of these territories.


Schedule your appointment

We are currently accepting new patients for counselling appointments with Carl Christensen. Feel free to book online or email

To book health coaching with Mladenka Dokic, visit Tanglible Habit Coaching at Mladenka Dokic, Registered Health Coach (HCA-RHC™) and Life Coach

For those interested in booking massage therapy with Lyndi Proudfoot or Shelby Hill-McLaughlin: we are currently taking a waitlist if you are new to our clinic. Please contact us directly at

Maddie Hibbard is currently on Maternity Leave, effective July 1st 2024. For new and existing clients inquiring about an appointment or referral for acupuncture in Whitehorse - please email

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Located in downtown Whitehorse, Twinflower Therapeutics is a multi-disciplinary wellness studio and apothecary welcoming people from all walks of life with varying health concerns and goals.

We are a team of mutually supportive practitioners with diverse backgrounds in the realm of complementary and integrative medicine. Along with registered massage therapy and acupuncture, we offer counselling therapy, health coaching, Craniosacral techniques, western herbalism, reiki and osteopathic modalities.

As our name implies, we are inspired by the mighty twinflower, Linnaea borealis, a small but tenacious woodland wildflower of the boreal forest. Twinflowers are emblems of healing and renewal. Their delicate blooms herald the beginning of a new season and contribute to a gentler, more beautiful world.

We look forward to meeting you wherever you are on your healing journey.



We’ve enhanced protocols to keep you safe.

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Registered massage therapy, counselling and acupuncture are eligible for insurance reimbursement through most extended health care benefit providers. Should you choose, we offer direct billing for acupuncture services.


Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves therapeutic, hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body to physically release tension, restore mobility and reduce stress on the nervous system.

Registered Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a key pillar of Chinese Medicine involving the insertion of fine needles into specific sites on the surface of the skin. It is a safe and effective non-drug option for the treatment of many health concerns.

Health Coaching

Private one-on-one coaching sessions aimed at helping you break habits and navigate life's obstacles and transitions. You will learn how to implement customized tools so you can take your life in the direction you desire.


Our counsellor works with people of all ages and backgrounds to help clients uncover perspectives to develop a deeper understanding of themselves. Various evidence-based therapeutic approaches may be used.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a subtle, but powerful bodywork modality that uses light touch to locate and release restrictions within the central nervous system and encourage the natural flow of fluid within the craniosacral structure.

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset is a neurologically-based, active therapeutic technique that addresses the central nervous system’s role in alleviating tensions and restrictions within the body.


Reiki is a non-invasive healing technique that focuses on connecting with the energetic aspect of the body to help overcome pain, trauma and emotional patterns that subconsciously impact wellbeing.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation is a targeted approach to easing restrictions within and around the abdominal organs. The therapy can be a light or firm touch with compression, mobilization and elongation of the affected tissues.


Therapeutic cupping involves the placement of glass or silicone cups on the surface of the skin to increase blood flow, loosen muscles and connective tissue, and create a soothing effect on the nervous system.

cosmetic acupuncture

A specialized acupuncture treatment combining natural skincare products with facial needling and techniques of jade rolling, gua sha, cupping and acupressure massage to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine is the therapeutic use of plant-based remedies to restore health and balance within the body. Individualized herbal prescriptions may be used alone but are usually integrated into a holistic treatment plan.

prenatal acupuncture

Individualized pregnancy care and labour preparation sessions for birthing parents. Our prenatal treatments naturally optimize health, help to ease the mind and address health challenges specific to pregnancy.



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At Twinflower, we are committed to environmental and ethical stewardship, with sustainability at the heart of our business decisions.

From the outset, our priority has been to create an intentional space using natural building materials, including cork, reclaimed brick and textiles made of wool and organic cotton. We work with plants that are abundant, ethically harvested or organically cultivated and use 100% reusable packaging.

Twinflower Therapeutics at it’s core is about healing. As part of a deeply rooted commitment to ‘first, do no harm’, we are mindful of acting sustainably whenever possible and believe that is what makes our offerings truly magical!



Get in Touch.

If you would like to share any questions or find out how we can help, please feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.

To contact your practitioner directly:






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